This is the gathering to meet Chloe, Chui Yee and Ku chai at Equator. In the end, did not talk much but strike many different funny poses for the camera. Why? I had no idea. Wakaka. Everyone there let us ss by ourselves.
Gathering at Equator
Posted by Yein ♥ at 8:32 PM 0 comments
22 August 2009 - Holiday
Finally the holidays are here! At last, one whole week for me to sleep and wake up late. That alone, is much to look foward to. However, there is homework to be done and upcoming tests to study for. How I wish I was a junior again.... Sorry to the girls for not joining in the activities they had plan for this holiday. It's nothing personal, it's just that sports are never my idea of fun, no matter how much I wanted them to be.
Plus, Ku chai is coming back! Miss her leh. Let’s plan for a gathering ASAP! Who’s joining?
Posted by Yein ♥ at 9:41 AM 0 comments
20 August 2009 - Us again
Bio test is cancelled! Yeah! Though it made my late-night studying last night pointless. Today was pretty boring... But anyway, here's some weekly updates.
National day celebration... I think it goes without saying the whole thing was nothing special. I was pretty disappointed by the celebration boards (as in every celebration). More so with each passing year. When we were still juniors, I remember they had a lot of creative ideas for the boards.
Posted by Yein ♥ at 8:13 AM 0 comments
13 August 2009 - Us on a Thursday
Posted by Yein ♥ at 2:23 AM 0 comments
11 August 2009 - Tuesday
Today we did an experiment. Mine was a bust! LOL. Apparently my solution thingy wasn't saturated enough or something of that sort. Huhu. Aaannyway, the hot and stuffy biology lab proved to be too much for me as I started to get nauseous and began to sweat profusely. I ended up feeling quesy and bothered for the rest of the experiment. And for MUET, I will be the FIRST person from the FIRST group to present... *sob*
&& on a happier note, Pn Grace is preggers! Congrats! :p
Posted by Yein ♥ at 1:30 AM 0 comments