Last day + Graduation


Graduation Day!
And yes, that's a DiGi banner, I have no idea why
All the F5 classes had matching T-shirts and fancy props
We stand no chance

Though our 'fancy' love cutouts looks good too, no?

How is my blog complete w/o a picture of her?

Hey there!

Err, teacher, what are you doing?


This would be good,
but I ended up arriving at the class late and took my position at the back
oh well


This movie is very hard to describe as I do not know half of what's going on in this movie. The other half of this movie is not spoken in English. I could've sworn it is a new language. As I'm technologically challenged, it's all Greek to me or shall I say, a very advanced greek, but whatever. The special effects are cool though.

It may be a bit late to say this, but this movie is AWESOME!!! I don't usually find comedy movies/animated movies funny, even when people say they were but seriously, this is guaranteed to tickle your bones! Loved it. Brings a whole new side to the classic tale. It's my sister's treat during our trips to the cinema... Thanks!! :)