Sports day 2010


So, on 5th and 6th of Feb were our school's sports days. I'm just glad it's over. The teachers wanted us to hold important roles and thought that having us as one of the judges would be, to quote them, "a good experience for us all" Good experience my foot. We were supposed to be having the same responsibilities and authorities as the teachers but instead some of us were treated as extras. That means running across the field to and fro whenever the teachers fancy it. Makes you wanna go #*^%@*. At least, for once, I knew what was happening on the field? One of the teachers was just plain... I ran away halfway through a job. I hope SHE won't be complaining and get me into trouble.

Anyway, I'm not cut out for long days like these. At the end of the day, every ounce of energy would be sapped from me. I slept for 12 hours straight last night! Anyway, here's a quick summary of the day in form of pictures

Kong's birthday present from us gals and LWC.
I forgot to capture what was inside it.
It was a multiple USB reader. (Is that what it's called?)

Bon trying out LWC's sunglasses.

I'l keep my comments to myself for this one.

Working hard under the blazing sun. We came prepared! Umbrellas and all.

Isn't this adorable?

After I escaped on the second day, I did not went back. I followed Marilyn, Jing and Yean around for a while before heading home on my own. Oh, Gabriel and Scott came on the first day. I was really glad to see Gabriel as I could finally speak english. Sounds kinda lame, I know, but I'm kinda desperate here. XD. For more photos please visit the f6 blog.