10 June 2009 - A not so productive day


Today I decided to stay home to get some homework done after a full week of procrastinating. After finally dragging my butt off the computer chair, I decided to do my Pengajian Am homework. After a while, more like a few mins actually, the content bore me to no end. I mean, statistics? How interesting. And my bed was radiating some serious nap rays. Like seriously. To resist the temptation, I sat in front of the computer again. One thing led to another and the next thing I know, I'm chatting and YouTube-ing. *SIGH* I did finish it in the end and did my Chemistry homework too. So not all are lost. Though there are still lots more to be done. And I'm in absolutely no mood to continue. Damn.

When I was updating this blog, Chui yee, twins and Scott were online. After some confusion at first, we all ended up chatting in one msn box. Cool eh? XD Unfortunately, the majority of us only had one thing in mind: ASSIGNMENTS and HOMEWORKS. Sad. And Scott seemed to be under a lot of stress trying to complete his essay. Poor bloke. Hope he manages.