18 July 2009 - Unfocused


Changed Facebook pic. I think I've work the photoshop a bit too much. The colours are blinding you, is it not?

Went for tea with Scott, Ivy and Ching Wai. Can u believe we sat and talked for more than 2 hours? Since Ivy and Ching Wai are both in St.Mary currently, I decided to discover for myself the differences between our school and theirs. Apparently they are pleased with all their teachers - except for one. My fellow classmates, guessed who? We later proceeded to exchange stories based on our mutual 'affection' for the teacher.

And right now I'm cursing at myself for being online when I know I should be studying. Hate that conscience which bugs you and doesn't stop telling you to study. If you know what I mean. The others might very well at this moment have their heads bent over a Maths or Bio book and not slacking like me. Basically,


P.s: Somehow, I wanted to post this up :